3 Reasons To Use A Center Pivot Irrigation System To Take Care Of Your Crops

Posted on: 6 September 2018

If you're involved in crop farming, you need a center pivot irrigation system. These systems are helpful for crop farmers for a variety of reasons, and many consider them to be superior to other types of irrigation systems. After exploring the benefits of a center pivot irrigation system, you'll probably find that buying one for your farming operation is a strong financial decision.

1. You Can Move It from Field to Field

Permanent irrigation systems only work on the fields where they are installed. If you only have a couple of fields, this might be fine. If you have multiple fields, though, installing all of these different systems can be cost prohibitive. If you buy a center pivot irrigation system, though, you can move it from one field to another. This makes it possible for you to take care of all of your fields with just one or two center pivot irrigation systems, although you will have to worry about coordinating scheduling and transporting the system to each of your different fields.

2. You Can Use it in More Rural Areas

Your fields probably aren't in the middle of town. They might not be hooked up to electricity or the municipal water system. If this is the case, then other types of irrigation systems might not be an option. Center pivot irrigation systems can be used in even the most rural areas, though. Even if your fields are located in the middle of nowhere, you can use these systems to take good care of your crops.

3. You Can Use it for Different Things

Lastly, a center pivot irrigation system is useful because it can be used for different things. During a particularly dry period when there simply isn't enough rain to keep your crops healthy, you can use your center pivot irrigation system to water your crops. If you have a hog farm in addition to having crops and need to pump your lagoon, you can use your center pivot irrigation system to get rid of the waste while fertilizing your crops at the same time. Based on your crops' needs, you can use your center pivot irrigation system to distribute different mixes of chemicals and fertilizers, allowing you to take the best possible care of your crops.

As noted above, center pivot irrigation systems are incredibly useful for farmers, and making use of these helpful pieces of equipment can make a big difference in your farming operation. For more information about irrigation center pivot equipment, contact a local supplier. 
