Here's Why You Should Install Automatic Horse Waterers On Your Farm

Posted on: 28 September 2022

Water is one of the essential nutrients your horses need to survive. Installing an automatic horse waterer is a sure way to achieve a constant drinking water supply for your horses. An automatic horse waterer is a water-pumping device with a pipe connecting to your farm's primary water source. It has a bowl and a paddle and automatically pumps drinking water into the bowl when the horse steps on the paddle. After drinking, it drains the remaining water leaving, the bowl empty. Automatic horse waterers ensure animals have water when they require it. The following are the benefits of installing automatic horse waterers. 

They're Cost-Effective

Rearing horses is costly due to water consumption and other expenses, such as food and utilities. If you're looking to cut down operational costs on your farm, installing automatic horse waterers is a sure way to achieve that. They automatically fill the bowl when the horse needs water and empties it after it drinks. That helps reduce water wastage as the animal only consumes what it needs. That's different from traditional water troughs, where vast volumes of water go to waste due to spillage. The waterers come with meters as accessories, allowing you to effectively monitor your horses' daily water consumption to make it easier to account for your water. Furthermore, most automatic horse waterers are mechanical, saving you substantial energy bills.

They Ensure the Availability of Clean and Safe Water to Drink

Keeping your horses healthy by ensuring they drink clean and safe water is vital. However, that can be difficult to realize if they drink from traditional open water bowls, which are prone to contamination by foreign elements, such as bugs, dirt, and debris. Drinking contaminated water causes health complications, high veterinary check-up costs, and even death to your horses. Automatic horse waterers prevent foreign substances from entering the water and maintain high safety standards. Moreover, they prevent water from staying still for a long time. Thus, they help avoid creating a breeding ground for mosquitoes and developing mold and algae, which also result in health issues, such as irritations and breathing complications.

They're Convenient and Time-Saving

An average horse consumes five to ten gallons of water per day. That means if you have ten horses on your farm, you need approximately ten times the amount of water daily to keep your horses hydrated. Filling water troughs with these volumes of water daily requires so much effort and dedication, and you probably need to hire farm assistants for the job. On the other hand, automatic horse waterers are connected by a pipe to the primary water source and automatically fill the drinking bowls when your horses need water. That saves you the hassle and time you would have used to fill troughs and monitor water consumption.

Contact an agricultural equipment supplier to learn more about automatic horse waterers.
